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Recent Publications

Kral-O'Brien, K. C., Adams, S., Antonsen, A., Bendel, C., Keen, H., Pei, C. K., Roberton, B., Geaumont, B., Limb, R., Hovick, T., & Harmon, J. 2022. Pollinator research provides conservation management implications in North Dakota. Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 7,e220086.


Kral-O’Brien, K. C., T. Hovick, J. P. Harmon. 2022. Quid Pro Quo? A Review on Bee Utilization of Pollinator-Independent Crops. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 115:1–9.


Rischette, A.C., Geaumont, B.A., Elmore, R.D., Schauer, C.S., Sedivec, K.K. & Hovick, T.J. 2021. Duck Nest Density and Survival in Post-Conservation Reserve Program Lands. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45: 630–637.


Wanchuk M. R., D. A. McGranahan, K. K. Sedivec, K. C. Swanson, T. J. Hovick, & R.F. Limb. 2021. Contrasts in forage mineral concentration with patch-burn grazing: a preliminary analysis. Translational Animal Science 5:S75–S79. 


Antonsen, A. K., K. C. Kral-O'Brien, T. J. Hovick, R. F. Limb, B. A. Geaumont, & J. P. Harmon. 2021. Intra-annual spatiotemporal dynamics of the Monarch Butterfly (Lepidoptera: Danaidae), Regal Fritillary (Lepidoptera: Heliconiinae), and their floral resources in North Dakota, United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 114:765–765.


Londe, D. W., R. D. Elmore, C. A. Davis, S. D. Fuhlendorf, T. J. Hovick, B. Luttbeg, & J. Rutledge. 2021. Fine-scale habitat selection limits trade-offs between foraging and temperature in a grassland bird. Behavioral Ecology 32:625–637.

Student Publications

*Pei, C.K., T.J. Hovick, *C.A. Duquette. et al. 2022. Two common bee-sampling methods reflect different assemblages of the bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) community in mixed-grass prairie systems and are dependent on surrounding floral resource availability. J Insect Conserv 26:69–83.


*Cutter, J., T. Hovick, D. McGranahan, J. Harmon, R. Limb, J. Spiess, & B. Geaumont. 2022. Cattle grazing results in greater floral resources and pollinators than sheep grazing in low-diversity grasslands. Ecology and Evolution 12, e8396.


*Rischette, A.C., B.A. Geaumont, R.D. Elmore, C.S. Schauer, K.K. Sedivec, and T.J. Hovick. 2021. Duck nest density and survival in post-conservation reserve program lands. Wildlife Society Bulletin:


*Cutter, J, B.A. Geaumont, D.A. McGranahan, J.P. Harmon, R.F. Limb, C. Schauer, and T.J. Hovick. 2021. Cattle and sheep differentially alter floral resources and the native been communities in working landscapes. Ecological Applications 31:e02406 


*Duquette, C.A., S.R. Loss, and T.J. Hovick. 2021. A meta-analysis of the influence of anthropogenic noise on terrestrial wildlife communication strategies. Journal of Applied Ecology 58:1112-1121.


*Rischette, A.C., T.J. Hovick, R.D. Elmore, and B.A. Geaumont. 2020. Use of small unmanned aerial systems for sharp-tailed grouse lek surveys. Wildlife Biology 2:


*Bendel, C., D. Toledo, T.J. Hovick, and D.A. McGranahan. 2020. Using behavioral change models to understand private landowners perceptions of prescribed fire in North Dakota. Rangeland Ecology and Management 73:194-200.


*Kral-O’Brien, K., T.J. Hovick, R.F. Limb, J.P. Harmon, and E.H. Gilliam. 2020. Incorporating field behavior into monarch surveys to promote informed conservation actions. Journal of Nature Conservation 53:125761-125768.


*Duquette, C.A., T.J. Hovick, R.F. Limb, D.A. McGranahan, and K.K. Sedivec. 2020. Restored fire and grazing regimes influence nest selection and survival in Brewer’s Blackbirds. Acta Ornithologica 54:171-180.


*Orr, J.T., C.A. Duquette, T.J. Hovick, B.A. Geaumont, and T.A. Harms. 2019. Secretive marshbird densities and habitat associations in the prairie pothole region. Wetlands 1:1-10.


*Bendel, C.R., K. Kral, T.J. Hovick, R.F. Limb, J.P. Harmon. 2019. Plant-pollinator networks in grassland working landscapes reveal seasonal shifts in network structure and composition. Ecosphere 10:e02569.


*Trubitt, R.T., T.J. Hovick, E.H. Gillam, and D.A. McGranahan. 2019. Habitat associations of bats in a working rangeland landscape. Ecology and Evolution 9:598-608.


*Kral-O’Brien, K.C., R.F. Limb, T.J. Hovick, and J.P. Harmon. 2019. Compositional shifts in forb and butterfly communities associated with Kentucky bluegrass invasions. Rangeland Ecology and Management 72:301-309. 

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