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Welcome to the Hovick Lab!

We are a research lab that studies rangeland and wildlife ecology in the Northern Great Plains. We study a range of topics in avian and pollinator community dynamics and movement ecology in rangelands with an emphasis on how grassland management practices can benefit both producers and biodiversity. Current research encompasses avian and pollinator ecology and conservation. For further information on our current projects, check out the other pages for more details!

Current Opportunities

Perspective graduate students and research associates interested in my lab are encouraged to contact me at:


Torre Hovick, PhD

Range Science - School of Natural Resource Sciences

North Dakota State University


There are currently no advertised postings

Lab Positions



Congrats, Kim!

Kim won 1st place in oral presentations at the NDSU Graduate School Research Symposium that took place on April 8th. Her talk was on results from her first field season working with butterfly communities on patch-burn grazing managed systems in Hettinger, ND.

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